Would you like to have more time during the day to get it all done? Wherever you live, or what you do, it doesn’t matter, I think we all wish we could be a little more successful. We all have the same 24 hours as Beyoncé, and I will be here to help you get the most out of your day.
1. Have a Morning Routine
Don’t put in needless tension. The night before, pick your clothes out. I respect Steve Jobs’ everyday style of rocking the black tortoise collar and jeans, but the uniform life isn’t for me, so I prepare my looks accordingly. Don’t miss just coffee. If you have time in the morning to have a full breakfast, then you will have more strength. Just like oatmeal or egg bites, I opt for fast and simple. Skipping isn’t an option. Breakfast eating clears my mind and gives me the courage to tackle the day.
2. Schedule Your Day
Using a calendar and do NOT use a to-do column. In fact, 40 percent of the things on the to-do list is never finished. Successful people work in blocks of time so you can be more effective. To-do lists are an endless string of bullets that usually roll forward to the next day because we underestimate how long those things will take us. Until lunch, take on the most demanding activities.
3. No Meetings
While meetings are important, they can also be the greatest wasters of time. Typically they begin late, people go off-topic and they appear to run longer than expected. Such meetings can be done in an e-mail instead, much of the time. When you have to have a meeting, keep it succinct, make a decision and action plan, and move on.
4. Eliminate Distractions
Place your phone on mute, face down, or out from plain sight so you won’t be tempted to look at it every time your screen lights up with a message. Learn to say “no” too. While it’s necessary to support your teammates, it’s okay to say you can’t get to anything at once. Finish what you’re doing while in the region, then concentrate on the other tasks once you’re finished.
5. Take a break!
The brain wants to rest after having had a successful morning! Go outside, get some fresh air, have a snack, and if you can, leave the office. You need to get your mind recharged, refocused, and clear to finish the day solid.
It doesn’t matter whether you are employed in an office, working from home, or getting several jobs. We should all find ways of making life a little more successful. Interruptions will arise but you’ll be able to jump back in with a routine in place. You’re waiting for what? It’s Ticking Time!